Red Hat

Hibernate Validator roadmap

Hibernate Validator roadmap

Hibernate Validator is community driven and as such the roadmap constantly evolves to reflect the users needs. You can find a fine grained roadmap in our issue tracker, but this page is a good starting point to see where we are going.

Hibernate Validator 5.1


Improving on the performance of 5.0.1.Final

Configurable value extraction SPI

Introducing ValueExtractor interface (HV-819)

Hibernate Validator 5.2

Java 8 support (HV-825)

Make use of type annotations
Allow constraints to be specified several times
Make use of new reflection API to share code between annotation processor and engine


Expose Validator as OSGi service (HV-570)

Automatic constraint validator discovery

Offer the possibiltiy to automatically discover and add custom constraint validators (HV-828)


Switch to asciidoc (HV-826)
Automatically update on release (HV-827)


Switch to Gradle as build tool (HV-641)


Integration with JavaFX (HV-653)
Introduce mechanism to order constraints (HV-462)
Better integration with ORM, especially DDL constraint generation (HV-830)
New range of Hibernate Validator specific constraints and potential dedicated constraint module (HV-553)


Further unification of bean and method validation (HV-467)

Hibernate Validator 5.3

Distributed resource bundles

Abiltiy to provide resource bundle with (custom) constraint (HV-829)

Make us of Jandex

Provide abiltiy to retrieve metadata from Jandex index (HV-644)

Annotation processor improvments

Taking into account XML configuration (HV-308)
Verify group sequences (HV-455)
Verify the validity of constraint declarations (e.g. min < max for @Size) (HV-270)

Own method validation interceptor

Create standalone interceptor using Byteman (HV-432)

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