Red Hat

Hibernate Validator downloads

Hibernate Validator downloads

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2013-04-30 development
Maven gav: org.hibernate:hibernate-validator:5.1.0.Alpha1
Performance and maintenance release
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2013-04-30 stable
Maven gav: org.hibernate:hibernate-validator:5.0.1.Final
Official reference implementation for Bean Validation 1.1
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2012-11-12 stable
Maven gav: org.hibernate:hibernate-validator:4.3.1.Final
Last Bean Validation 1.0 compatible version
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Older releases can be found on SourceForge or in JBoss's Maven repository.

Maven repository

Hibernate Validator publishes the project artifacts as well to the JBoss Maven Repository under org.hibernate:hibernate-validator. Refer to the Maven Getting Started guide on the Jboss Wiki for more information on how to configure Maven.

Here is how to declare the dependency in your Maven POM:

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